उन्नत भारत अभियान

Regional Coordinating Institute

Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University

शिक्षित भारत-स्वस्थ भारत- स्वच्छ भारत- स्वावलंबी भारत- संपन्न भारत

Chairman Message

Welcome to all,
Since its launch in the National Workshop on Unnat Bharat, Organized at IIT Delhi in the year 2014. Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) is spreading across most States and State regions with the aim to span its 6,40 L villages across India. Today India has 27 states. Maharashtra being one of the most progressive and large States with 6 regions, 36 districts and 43722 villages. I come from Vidarbha region which once upon a time was an advanced region of India in terms of its from Vidarbha region which once upon a time was an advanced region of India in terms of its both culture and prosperity. However, today it is unfortunately identified as backword region known for its farmers’ suicides. Therefore, Vidarbha required a special attention to alleviate its economic backwardness and incidence of farmer suicides.

Today Vidarbha compromises of 11 districts, 120 talukas and 16,112 villages. In terms of education this region has 8 universities and 1,600 colleges. For fast track and integrated rural development of Vidarbha, we have therefore decided to converge its various development programmes. Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University (SGBAU) and VNIT, Nagpur have been identified as Regional Coordinating Institute (RCIs) for the Vidarbha Region. This region of UBA has been appropriately named as Unnat Vidarbha Abhiyan (UVA) inspiring its college going youths. Through UVA, several projects have been initiated under the leadership of SGBAU and VNIT. I am sure that these lead projects will soon be scaled into real village development projects of Vidarbha paving way for model village development programme of this region linking ‘knowledge, college and village’ in an innovative manner creating a new balanced regional development of our nation like never before.